
First of all,
I must say that this is quite a long message to begin with -
and I am terribly sorry for that!
For those who barely knew me and to those who might have recognized me from various other Bard Performing Community Discord servers: making Bard performing arrangements (and playing them); or to those who happens to visit here from one of my Twitter's posts, those are is not the only thing I do, so allow me to elaborate a little.To start with,I'm an amateur musician and arranger from Indonesia.I have made some uncredited (freelanced) work for some small local (and regional) indie mobile game studios as their sound & music staff.And as many people already knew, I also makes some FFXIV Bard MIDI Arrangements for myself and others to play in-game.I'm currently learning how to make video and various related graphic stuffs - mostly to make FFXIV-related performing videos or livestreams and making posters for FFXIV venues or player events, the only game I played for the past decade (since 2013).But,I'm also a stay-at-home single mom with a teenage son (currently in high school) that need some special care, especially in this pandemic era (he's immuno-compromised)
- and things has been hard for me too keep up these past couple years,
especially when my only steady source of income has been disrupted since the past couple months.
To explain my current situation:I owned an apartment downtown, which I leased on an annual basis, while me and my son lived at our small house in a rural area at the outskirts of our Mega City - yes, Jakarta, our nation's capitol, is now the world's #1 most populated city. The apartment is currently empty (my last tenant left at the end of July this year) and I have been unable to find a new tenant for it,
thus did not have sufficient steady income to get by.
Add that with some medical emergencies that is happening to me and my son (we both caught Dengue Fever in March, and in my case, it was quite severe while his was relatively mild), and previously, to help cover some of our close relatives medical (and funeral) expenses during the height of the COVID pandemic here last year.All of that, dried out my savings, and since the apartment still empty and unoccupied, I had to resolve to making and doing commissions, doing some menial side job or any works I can find online or around my local neighborhood (like doing their laundry and cleaning their houses for a small fee) to cope with our daily needs and monthly bills (and my son's school tutitions).And it is still not enough.I've been struggling for these past couple months just to keep up - barely - the amount I earned could only cover our basic needs (food, transport, sanitary, and some small utility bills).And I am desperate, yet tired and exhausted from doing all those jobs
and didn't have enough rest (cause I spend most of the night working on commissions or requests).

So,in light of this financial issues and crisis, here I am,
thinking of expanding and moving on from just a passion into a full time job
- whether making musical compositions, arrangements, and/or livestreaming them - but for that to happen, I'll definitely need some help and support, since what I earned from doing all those before could not even cope with the bills and my son's school tuition.
Part of it mostly because I did most of those passion stuffs for free (making FFXIV Bard arrangements and performing them on requested venues or places, making posters, custom Gposes (using Anamnensis), and even helping friends leveling their characters (especially on 'boring' stuffs like gathering and/or crafting, or leveling their free trial bards)) and only very recently starting taking and accepting paid commissions on my ko-fi page.I also had a YouTube channel where I mostly posted recorded performing videos or sample arrangements I made using some free open sourced audio workstations (cause I can't afford those professional paid apps) - and the channel is not monetized, so there is absolutely no income from it - I basically just posted those videos as previews for the FFXIV Bard arrangement stuffs that I made (which everyone can download and use for free) so people can expect how it would sounded when performed in-game.Some of them already had thousands of views, but since I never (and didn't) ask for subscriptions, I don't have much as in the numbers of subscribers - one of thing I'm planning to change in the near future, along with my Twitch and my SoundCloud channels, providing I had the resources to do so.To say that life's been hard for me lately and I'm having a crisis, is very true.
But one thing for sure, I don't (and never) give up. Just like our Warriors of Life in Eorzea. And they are not alone - and so am I.
Our Warriors of Light had the Scions and the help of the city-states.
I had my friends, fans, and supporters.One that I hoped you'd join.And it is here that I pleaded for your help or support, either directly or by providing me commissioned work - whichever you prefer.For your consideration,
samples of my work can be seen or grabbed from my
Carrd Site.
(including downloads to my Google Drive's Library (Free, of course!))

For Donation/Support:Reward & my acknowledgements to my supporters:Whether it was a one-time donation or monthly support (ko-fi provides both one time tip / donation and Patreon-like monthly support) for any amount (starting from a minimum of USD $1), your name (or whichever identification or nickname, in-game character name, alias, organization, group, anything how you'd like to be mentioned) will be featured on my credits list which you can also view directly here.An older appreciation video (with names + pictures) can be viewed here.
(I haven't properly learned how to use video maker app back then, that was made using Windows 10 Video Maker).
And here is the newer one with rolling credits.
(I planned to also put images into the rolls once I learned how to properly do it.)
The appreciation video will be updated on a monthly basis - while credit rolls for my (recorded) work videos and livestreams are updated at the time of their creation.And more:once every couple of months, I'll be making a free, recorded mini album (digital audio in both Hi-Quality MP3 & FLAC format) with select few tracks exclusively dedicated to my supporters and will be featuring acknowledgements to them on the included booklet (in PDF format).In the mean time, I will try to find new and better ways to thank you as my token of gratitude and acknowledgement - like advertising your content or anything.To support (or just drop me a tip/donation),
you can do it directly from my ko-fi page at: since I am also a Ko-fi Contributor, 5% of all your donation/tip will be donated to help support Ko-fi (since they don't take fees) and its other users.)

For Paid Commissions :On FFXIV Bard Arrangement commission:
the arrangement will be yours exclusively for up to three months since the date of delivery, to which afterwards it will be publicly released (for free) on my Free Library or anywhere else (usually on various FFXIV Bard Discord's server sharing channels) - for everyone to use and enjoy (similar Patreon's system).
On non-FFXIV Bard related commissions, you retain the ownership indefinitely and exclusively.Some of the Non-FFXIV services I provide are:

  • Custom Gposes (Anamnensis character pose).

  • Digital Graphic Design for Posters & Banners (anything that does not involve drawing because I don't have a drawing tablet).

  • Audio mixing and mastering service (up to uncompressed, 32-bit, 192KHz audio quality) - currently my only tools is Audacity (since I can't afford expensive and fancy Digital Audio Workstations).

  • Video editing and compositioning service (titles, subtitles, image insertions, editing, transitions, etc.) - no special effects or anything fancy because I do not have the required apps/tools - for this I'm using DaVinci Resolve (Free Edition).

All source materials (images, videos, audios) will be provided by the commissioner because I don't make the content - I only work on them - what I provide is the service, not the creation of said content due to my current limitations.For commissions, you can check my page at:
(Since I haven't properly updated it yet, you can either DM me on Discord or message me from ko-fi for whatever services you require).

In-game SPONSORSHIP & RequestFor FFXIV In-game Venue and/or FFXIV Content Creators, I also offer my services to you:SPONSORSHIPFor a Venue's Regular Performing Show (timed), for a certain hours of a certain day on a weekly basis depending on the Venue's Operating Hours/Days.
To maintain exclusivity, only a single realm on any single Regional Data Center will be available per week, with time and day will be determined by the Venue owners (only available from Mondays to Thursdays).
Since this will be a regular weeklies with fixed schedules, only Venue Owners who pledged $10 or more as my Monthly Supporters will be eligible for it - and with a very limited slot too (only 1 Venue per any Regional Data Center on weekdays (on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays I will not be doing any regulars)).
(i.e: Mondays: JP, Tuesdays: OCE, Wednesdays: EU, Thursdays: NA, with only 1 Venue for each Region).
REQUESTSFor a special Player Event Performing Show (Concert) request, for a certain hours during a special date (Ceremony, Anniversary, Birthday, Seasonal Events, etc.)
Collaboration with Live Streamers or Multimedia Content Creators, providing live performing during gameplay Live Streams, providing in-game footage/music for video making, etc.
For these, just drop me a tip on my ko-fi (any amount is fine) after the show has concluded.♥♥♥Please do not hesitate to contact me should you had any question!

Thank you!


*list last updated at Sept 13, 2022*